Christmas 2022 Appeal

2022 has been tough for many people and we would like to help lighten the load.

As Christmas approaches, we are keen to let you know about our theme for this year’s gift appeal – relationship. We wanted to honour the model of service Frederick Ozanam gave us based on relationships so to bring this about, we thought of offering the opportunity to celebrate Christmas by building relationships through shared experience. If you are looking at supporting our Christmas appeal, we would love you to donate an activity! This way families get to spend time together doing something fun!

Some great ideas are:
– Movie vouchers
– Salt water pool vouchers
– Chinese Garden vouchers
– Laserforce vouchers
– Resistance Climbing vouchers
– Hydro Slide vouchers
– Clip and climb vouchers
– Taieri Gorge Train Vouchers

If you are keen to support us in other ways your generosity is always appreciated. Feel free to drop the vouchers or gifts off to our George St shop, or make a donation to St Vincent de Paul 03-0883-0186960-000 with the reference ‘gift’ and we will make sure it is included in a Christmas Parcel.

Foodbank update

Covid-19 update
At the current setting our shops and foodbank are open. Foodbank can be accessed by walk-in between 11am – 2pm, or by calling 034770555 or texting 0210433856 and arranging pick up. Delivery can be arranged on occasion. Please wear a mask when entering our premises.

Now more than ever, our services are required. If you are able to support us in our work, that would be appreciated.
The bank account details are St Vincent de Paul Dunedin 03-0883-0186960-00. Our email is if you require a receipt. Thank you for helping us to support others.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) is a  non-profit volunteer organisation whose work primarily involves person-to-person contact with people who have a variety of needs.

The Society tries to promote self-sufficiency, enabling people to help themselves. Any assistance offered by the Society is given in a non-judgemental spirit of compassion, based on the need of the individual or family.

More information about what we’re up to can be found via the menu above.

Christmas gifts

As Christmas approaches we are keen to let you know about our theme for this year’s gift appeal – relationship/whanaungatanga. We wanted to honour the model of service Frederick Ozanam gave us based on relationships so to bring this about, we thought of offering the opportunity to celebrate Christmas by building relationships through shared experience. If you are looking at  supporting our Christmas appeal we would love you to donate an activity!  This way families get to spend time together doing something fun!
Some great ideas are:
If you are keen to support us in other ways your generosity is always appreciated. Feel free to drop the vouchers or gifts off to our George St shop, or make a donation to St Vincent de Paul (03-0883-0186960-00) with the reference ‘gift’ and we will make sure it is included in a Christmas Parcel.
Thank you for your continuing support,  our outreach is only possible because of the generosity of our donors!