Ōtepoti Vinnies sustainability initiatives

At the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Ōtepoti Dunedin, we have been looking at ways to make our processes more sustainable recently and it is starting to pay off. We have been able to go from having our bin of general waste emptied weekly to only emptying it fortnightly.

Some of the positive changes we have made recently include:

  • Local shampoo bars
  • Purchasing butter and portioning it, wrapping the portions in baking paper, rather than buying plastic pottles of margarine.
  • Collaborating with Solid, an Aotearoa New Zealand company making innovative toothpaste alternatives rather than buying plastic toothpaste tubes.
  • Portioning bulk supplies into recycled jars and tubs or paper bags rather than buying plastic bags for the purpose.
  • Composting fruit, vegetables and other compostable items.
  • Wrapping sausages in paper rather than purchasing plastic bags.
  • Preventing fabric waste going to landfill by diverting it to:
    •    Squares of fabric for patchworking
    •    Bags of rags for mechanics
    •    Rag rugs made by our volunteers
    •    Making t-shirts into bags for use in the food bank
    •    Removing buttons and zips for resale or reuse
    •    Using strips of fabric in place of string
    •    Free bin in the shops for items that need a small fix
  • Dramatically reducing printing and laminating.
  • Reusing old paper for scrap paper instead of using new pads.
  • Using bars of soap in staff areas instead of handwash.
  • Using rags for cleaning instead of paper towels.
  • Emptying rubbish bags into the skip and reusing them.
  • Collecting discarded metal and taking it to the metal recycler.
  • Taking cardboard to be recycled.
  • Having staff take plastic recycling home to put in their recycling bins (there is no free plastic recycling in the central city).

2023 AGM

The Dunedin Area Council is hosting the Society of St Vincent de Paul National AGM March 24 – 26 2023. If you would like to be involved please contact the Dunedin Area office on (03) 477 0555, office@stvincentdepauldunedin.nz

Christmas closure

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and New Year.
Our George Street shop, office, and food bank is closed from 2pm Friday 23 December 2022 until Wednesday 4 January 2023. Our South Dunedin shop is closed Friday 23 December until Monday 9 January 2023.
For emergency food support please contact Presbyterian Support Otago, 407 Moray Place, Dunedin, ph 03 477 7115.

Christmas 2022 Appeal

2022 has been tough for many people and we would like to help lighten the load.

As Christmas approaches, we are keen to let you know about our theme for this year’s gift appeal – relationship. We wanted to honour the model of service Frederick Ozanam gave us based on relationships so to bring this about, we thought of offering the opportunity to celebrate Christmas by building relationships through shared experience. If you are looking at supporting our Christmas appeal, we would love you to donate an activity! This way families get to spend time together doing something fun!

Some great ideas are:
– Movie vouchers
– Salt water pool vouchers
– Chinese Garden vouchers
– Laserforce vouchers
– Resistance Climbing vouchers
– Hydro Slide vouchers
– Clip and climb vouchers
– Taieri Gorge Train Vouchers

If you are keen to support us in other ways your generosity is always appreciated. Feel free to drop the vouchers or gifts off to our George St shop, or make a donation to St Vincent de Paul 03-0883-0186960-000 with the reference ‘gift’ and we will make sure it is included in a Christmas Parcel.